Logo Dpinflatables

The purpose of a logo is to give the brand an uncial visual identity.
Like the brand name, the logo should follow a number rules in order to fulfil it purpose.

The ideal shape for a logo us a horizontal rectangle approximately 2,25 times longer than its wide. This makes for maximal visual impact whatever the media used it to display the logo.

The logo must be legible. The chosen font and color must be perfectly legible too.

Ideally, the logo should include the brand name and a graphic design feature.
Beware of purely graphic logos, although successful exceptions di exist (Nike, Shell).

 The color scheme
Color is an obvious and effective way of differentiating a brand from the competition. The first thing to do is to choose a unique color scheme. Then as for the name and logo, there are a number of rules to stick to.

Each brand should have its own color scheme in order to stand out of the competition. The color brand should be consistent with the brand ethos
In a highly competitive context, each brand should use a single color
Single colors are easier to remember to remember and thus better at emphasing differences.

Questions ??? --> nina.dpinflatables@gmail.com 


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